Thursday, June 17, 2010

Mother of all weddings! South style!

        My summer although not over as yet seem to have taken a full circle as far as the travel map is concerned. More than a month of staying away from my bed and my bathroom has taken a toll on me and yet I believe this was another great phase!

Attending a wedding in any case doesn't sound easy! Especially if it is to take place within the family. And god save you if you have to travel to a different destination to attend it! 

All your clothes, shoes and jewelery want a place in your box! Everything looks important and there is nothing that you could possibly travel without. After having paid the excess baggage you still are mourning the absence of those endless things that you have had to leave behind. 

However my journey started way ahead of others. And as expected I had more time to shop and splurge! True it did not go down well with some, but that's where the spice comes from. No? How utterly boring a wedding or a family get together be without sparks? All under control for the best please!

This wedding season was different from the usual garish, pompous show of wealth. Not that I have a problem with such shows, as a spectator I quite like variety. And since being vain comes to me quite naturally, I like participating in them with all the glitz possible.

But when it has to be compared to early morning temple weddings with loud chants of hymns seasoned with the smell of sandalwood  and flowers, one actually gets to the importance of the ceremony. The fact that everything looks so pure and unadulterated in a way signifies the real union of the two families. Well almost!

It's not that these early morning weddings are divorced from jazz and show altogether. Right from the heavy Kanjeevaram, patta and various other kinds of silk sarees to unending designs of gold jewelery even when the prices are soaring high makes these events a must go!

While the show continues throughout the wedding and the reception, it's the family that gets a chance to come together. Best are the before wedding preparations, late night gossips, sinful indulgence in cuisines that would kill months of dieting and not to forget the unending visits to the shopping arcade.

The shopkeepers almost become like long lost family, tailors your fashion guide who hold the key to make you look different from the rest and managers of coffee shops and restaurants your personal  helpers  who know exactly how much salt and sugar goes into your meal!

And within all this commotion and attention lies the bride, her make-up and her shopping! Yes! That has to be the priority! After all this show would not go on without her!

For me it was the case of instant gratification, material gluttony and never say enough to anything! Not to miss that too irritated a few. But like I said, it was all worth it! 
The fact that one felt like a big family again where smiles were shared across the room,  sign language became the most important means of communication and wit and sarcasm  sharpened everyday just in order to keep up  with a few made this wedding an unforgettable affair.

Apart from adding more shoes, jewelery, clothes and pounds to my collection and body respectively I added moments with people I love. Captured laughter which promised to set me free and allowed my self to let go of silly tiffs which prevent me from loving what I very proudly call, "MY FAMILY".

This truly was the mother of all weddings in my family! 
To the bride and groom! Cheers.

P.S. (This piece would not have been complete without the mention of stores like Bhavani, Fazzals malls like Central,Mantri,Forum and tailors like Sadhna and Cauvery)



  1. Mili, you have captured the atmosphere so well!It felt like I am reliving it...and yes how I wish I could do that. Certainly one of my best India visit. Thanks Rani for saying yes to Marriage!!!!! Love.rama M.

  2. Hey MIli
    You Know My Thought Bout YOUR Writings(Yaawwnn)
    But this is truly in One Word.... AWESOME.
    Thanks For Making All Of Us Relive Those Days Again. Keep Up The Great Work.

    PS: Don't Except Me To Read All Other Boring Stuffs N Comment. ;)))

  3. It sure sounds like a great wedding to attend. You didn't invite me :(

  4. Thanks Rama Mausi and Cuckoo! I was reliving the whole thing in my mind! And trust me the wedding would not have been so much fun without the two of you!
    Cuckoo, I am glad you liked this one and don't worry as long as you are away, I won't ask you to read anything. But when you are with me, you have to! mwahhh

    And TAMMY, I should be the one upset! You disappeared! You said you are leaving for Bombay!!!! I wanted to meet you more than anything! Weren't we supposed to meet when Niti came???? Fool! I really wanted to meet you! I am back in Sept, please tam is baar mil lena!!!
